Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Homelessness is increasing every year and about a quarter...

Homelessness is increasing every year and about a quarter of all homeless people suffer from mental health issues. In Lars Eighner â€Å"On Dumpster Diving† he explains what he went through on a daily basis while being homeless. He describes how and what foods you should look for and to always be conscious of what you are getting because there is always a reason why something was thrown out. He continues to go into detail about other items that can be found in the dumpster like sheet and papers. Things that can keep you busy through the day. Eighner carefully explains to his readers how being a dumpster diver has become a life style for the homeless and this is how they survive. â€Å"I began dumpster diving about a year before I became homeless†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦Eighner states, â€Å"Homelessness has become a highly visible issue in the past two decades† (Eightner 712). He does use a lot of humor in his writing to make it lighter. It is easy to be i n agreement with Eighner that it is probably embarrassing at first to be seen picking out the trash but then it becomes easier to do it and start finding things you can actually use. He tells us the best way to get into the dumpster is to lower yourself in feet first. I love that he talks about him and his dog Lizbeth that he brings with him while dumpster diving. The purpose of his essay is to show the ways of living by scavengers and how people are able to survive and minimal resources. He is very artistic and passionate about what he is saying and bringing a sense of awareness that everyone isn’t fortunate and struggle every day. â€Å"Eighner spent the tail end of the 1980’s living on the streets of Austin, Texas., with several epic hitch hiking excursions to Los Angeles and back in pursuit of dubious writing gigs, with his dog Lizbeth as his one steady companion†(Publisher Weekly 2013). Being homeless wasn’t nearly as bad in the 80’s when Eigh ner was homeless as it is today and it seemed a little easier to survive then, rather than in today’s society. One of the most interesting parts of this essay for me was when Eighner got into some rules of how to scavenge. It shows that there’s a lot to dumpster diving than we might think. â€Å"A true scavenger hates to seeShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Causes Of Homelessness In The U898 Words   |  4 Pages         The Causes of Homelessness in the U.S                               Nawaf Saif Almoeini Alex Westbrook University Preparatory Program January 16th, 2015   Ã¢â‚¬Å"In 2010, †¦ the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness issued a comprehensive plan to eradicate homelessness for all people through interagency collaboration and aligning mainstream services. 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